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About Southeast Indiana Workforce Investment Board 

Southeast Indiana Workforce Investment Board’s mission is “to help Hoosiers in Southeast Indiana find and grow in careers that are productive and fulfilling, and to help employers find the qualified personnel, they need to be successful.”


We are the local workforce development board for Bartholomew, Dearborn, Decatur, Franklin, Jackson, Jefferson, Jennings, Ohio, Ripley, and Switzerland counties. . We were selected for this role by local elected officials, and are authorized by the Indiana Department of Workforce Development. As such, we are the natural convener of stakeholders of the workforce system within the region. 

While overseeing the WorkOne  system that serves area job seekers throughout the region remains the foundation of SEIWIB’s services, SEIWIB recognizes that its role, as defined by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act , is far larger. The challenges and opportunities faced by the region’s employers and jobseekers demand a focused and dedicated interdisciplinary response. SEIWIB’s responsibility is to position itself in the center of this conversation.


In other words, SEIWIB views its responsibility is to create, improve, encourage, supplement, and sustain any and all worthwhile initiatives that stand to benefit job employers, job seekers or the overall economic landscape of Southeast Indiana.

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